Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Don't Give Up

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."  Galatians 6:9

The standard Pauline approach is to elucidate doctrine, and then establish the ethical conduct that should flow from it.  The Galatian believing ones had been under fierce assault from those who sought to teach them an erroneous, both/and, gospel in radical contrast to the uncompromising, either/or, teaching of Paul.  There is no dialectical formula to the Gospel.

The battle for spiritual integrity is hard.  The battle for spiritual fidelity can result in the 'Shaking of the Foundations.'

The enemy of our Faith will sometimes press upon you very reasonable and sensible suggestions why it is understandable under the circumstances that you should quit.  People will understand, after all they have witnesses your great struggle for the Faith.  When we desire to quit our minds can conjure up any number of reasons to quit the journey.

We were never promised that the journey would be easy or without treachery. Our hearts may long for the comforting illusion of the so-called comfort zone.  We must remember that our comfort zone is no where on this earth, it is in Iesous.  Paul knew this as the controlling dynamic of his life.  Conflict in this world makes us desire the comfort of our real home.  We are not out of the cosmos-world as a source.

Do not quit.  I say this to you as one who has been tempted to quit, and find other less demanding and financially more rewarding work.  I don't have to tell many of you of the powerful darkness that can sometimes demand surrender or at least compromise.  "Its ok to compromise," some say to you.  "God understands" the power of the flesh, or "don't be so extreme."  

Paul wants us to realize that we must stand firm in the midst of the conflict.  We are sometimes brought upon the world stage for ridicule and reproach.  There are times when we may be tempted to feel shame for a situation that has come suddenly into our lives.  Stand firm beloved, and do not lose heart or faint away.  The trial of your Faith is precious before Iesou.

Be assured that we shall reap a great reward if we do not give up, and leave the battle field.  Most certainly real ministry is thankless, and filled with hurt.  In due season we shall reap if we do not give up.

What are you facing today that has you thinking that the struggle is too hard?  Who is asking you to compromise your marriage or relationship with God?  Who has compromised you, and made you feel that you cannot get back to God?  Remember that the Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep and goes after the one that went astray.

We have within us the resurrection power of Iesous to provide us with the strength that we need to persevere through trials and charge on to victory.  Before you give up, look up.  Stand fast beloved and watch the salvation of the Lord. He will renew within you a right spirit.

Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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