"For if our heart (kardia) condemn us, God (Theos) is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." 1 John 3:20
One perceptive brother has rightly said that there are times when we are on the battlefield, and then there are other times when we are the battlefield.
We are masters of making ourselves hostages of spiritual perfection or some other self-righteous standard that is contrary to the Word of God. We may be tempted to believe that it somehow makes us more spiritual to fabricate an intense protocol of behavioral mandates for appropriate self punishment.
We may be fighting a conscience that is over whelmed by a sense of unworthiness because of an old sin or old sin pattern that once had claim on us. The sin may be old, but the regret of it is present tense (i.e. I am imprisoned by shame, and I dare not share it or reveal it to others. I have an intense dislike of myself, and therefore I use some form of addictive behavior to hide from myself).
Hiding me from me is a full time job, and some people may confuse my shame-based behavior with full blown narcissicism. And not only am I filled with shame, but my heart incriminates me about me. It is a merciless and truly vicious cycle.
Beloved, one must learn to practice the following truth: " ...if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things." Divine truth contains enormous power. In fact, it is power. Divine truth is our power source over the lies that seek to overthrow our lives.
Lies are unrelenting and determined in their resolve. Therefore we must in turn be resolved in the relentless study of and application of spiritual truth to our circumstances.
When my heart becomes a witness against me, and I know that I have not been engaged in a practice that deserves the discipline of the Spirit, then I must go before my Merciful and Faithful High Priest, the Iesous, for courage and support.
Unresolved conflict of the heart is not God's design for me. Therefore I must go before him and let him know when the inner brutality that I am suffering is not because of some secret sin or ungodly practice.
'God is greater' is truth that destroy's my misery and sets me free to worship Him. 'God is greater' is prescriptive and medicinal. It is redemptive and it restores my soul. It leads me to the waters of quietness. God's Word is true medicine. It is the balm that heals the weary soul.
Beloved, today remember 'God is greater.' Now go out and live free in His Love.
Blessing to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich's teaching ministry, please join his blog and visit his website.
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