Wednesday, May 8, 2013

When the Flood Threatens the Soul

"The LORD sat enthroned at the flood, and the LORD will bless His people with peace."  Psalms 29:10

There are those for whom life is tough at times, and then there are those for whom life is chronically tough.  I constantly meet and currently know many of whom this is true. These people come from all walks of life, and  every profession.  Many of these people carry old burdens and ancient conflicts with others and with themselves.  Somehow, in-spite of disarming hurt and psychic pain they 'manage' to carry on and continue to brave the seemingly fortuitous circumstances of life.

Self-management of ancient and current pain comes at a great price.  Consciously one may feel that  everything is going ok, but one is living in a rut.  A rut of anxiety, depression, anger, and or shame with the focus on the external causes of one's inner pain.  The psychic price of this self-management of hurt runs the gamut of symptomatic behaviors.  At times the reality of one's current state may come crashing down upon one's well fortified psychic wall without apology.

Then times are hard and life is tough.  Circumstances may enter into one's life in a manner that insists upon one's sole attention.  One's greatest resolve to be strong in the face of oppressive and disconcerting trails may flee before the emotional onslaught of the howling storm.  At this time one may certainly wonder "How did it come to this?"  The executive part of the brain that includes the rational cortex may be exhausted and cannot offer a reasonable algorithm for one assaulting circumstances.

The poet of Psalm 29 knew that life can hurl seemingly irrational and bewildering trials into one's life.  So much so that one may seem to be drowning from the relentless crashing of the waves against the soul. The poet knew that the battle was not his to fight.  He knew that the battles in life belonged to the Yahweh or 'The Existing One.'  The poet knew the Flood (Mabbuwl) narrative recorded in the Genesis document.  He knew that though the land mass had been subjected to violent upheaval from the compromise of the tectonic plates beneath the Yahweh was in control.

The poet knew that though the world disappeared (de-creation) beneath the immeasurable metric tons of water and the unimaginable the Yahweh was in control.  In de-creation life evaporated once again into primordial emptiness.  The wasteland reappeared and the Yahweh sat enthroned upon the flood.  The Yahweh is enthroned upon de-creation and he is enthroned upon creation.  His throne is forever.  His rule is never compromised by the acts of man.

The Yahweh is enthroned forever upon the flood.  His rule over my life provides peace when the chaos of circumstance threaten to submerge me beneath the crashing waves.  Do you feel life being threatened today by tenacious circumstances?  Do you feel yourself harassed by overwhelming problems?  You must tell the Yahweh all about where you are.  Take words with you, and confess to feeling overwhelmed by life, and ask for him to rule over the flood.

The Iesous is meek and lowly in heart and he will give you rest in your soul.  Go to him right now, and ask him to reverse the feeling of de-creation that threatens you.  You must be ever so serious about this request.  You must be ready to give your dissolving life over to Him.  Do not let empty existential hubris (pride) keep you from a brand new life outside of the flood.

 Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.

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