"For men shall be lovers of themselves...incontinent...lovers of pleasures..." I Tim.3:2-4
When western culture believed in the 'Ghost In The Machine' there was a modicum of hope for humanity as a whole. The belief that there was indeed an animating spirit within the body meant that there was a metaphysical mystery to the being of man. However, with the 'discovering' of behaviorist psychology the 'Ghost In The Machine' was found to be nothing more than the electro-chemical firing of neurons, and nothing more.
Religious writings were relegated to a place of dubious value, and people were given a license to exploit their most craven and forbidden desires. Why? Because there is no post-mortum existence, and therefore no accountability to any supposed deity.
The only 'real' deity is the omni-competent State, and its fiat mores (social values). The actions of persons are evaluated upon the basis of no abiding system of values intrinsic to the universe. The actions of persons are evaluated upon the dialectic of fiat legal opinion. Right actions and wrong actions are based upon a classical worldview that no longer exists. We have entered into the Brave New World of relative values. What is, is right.
The masses, of course must be held in check by the classical standards of 'right and wrong' in order to effectively manipulate their actions, but for the cultural elite this does apply. We are therefore invited to behold the moral decay of culture in a passive manner. "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
The sins of the elite are paraded before us and we accept their corrupt behavior mildly irritating, but normative. The arrogant words and actions of those caught in socially inappropriate and illegal behavior would point the disapproving finger at us, We the People.
The corrupt elite may defend their actions as bedeviled antics that has cause no harm, and no one stands up to scold these malignant persons for their terrible actions. Those who do come forward do so at great risk.
I live in a culture where young girls can be abused by a group of peers and have the attack go viral throughout the internet in real time. I live in a culture where a political leader can be exposed as one who has blatantly sexually harassed female colleagues and defies the call of the electorate to step down and relieve the people of their distressing presence.
I live in a culture where police have freed 150 children from a prostitution ring, and people are not outraged that children are being sold as sex slaves. I live in a culture where 'sexting' is an accepted phenomenon, and seen as normative.
In my local political backyard while attending a city council meeting an individual stepped up to the microphone and announced that she had found evidence that certain members of the board of supervisors had used tax-payer money for strip clubs.
We are indeed a culture that is suffering from Post Traumatic Spiritual Disorder. Psychologists are routinely brought upon charges of sexual misconduct with patients. Sex in the Forbidden Zone occurs more often that not.
Barry S. Roberts and Richard A. Mann wrote: "Complaints about sexual harassment have ranged from fostering a hostile work environment to demands for prostitution."
Will this disturbing phenomenon go away? Not likely, it seems that we as a culture have long practiced sexual harassment of the less powerful. Poling found out long ago that sexual abuse is the exploitation of power, and so is sexual harassment. Think about the many revelations about school teachers having sex parties with students. In one case, a student videotaped an orgy with a teacher and put it on line for all to see. The teacher was tried, convicted, and sent to jail, but displayed no remorse. She was merely peeved by the fact that so many were angered over her actions with students who were legally of age to have sex with her!
Again, in my own city a politician was found walking in the streets by police wearing nothing but his underwear and socks. It is alleged that he was not intoxicated, but had alcohol in his system. It is also reported that he had tried to get into a neighbor's (female) window at three o'clock in the morning. He has since checked himself into a substance abuse program. We can continue to multiply examples but the ones given above were to illustrate where we have come as a society.
We need to make a renewed effort to have sexual harassment training not merely for companies of fifty or more employees, but for smaller companies too. Local schools, colleges, and universities need to have sexual harassment training. We will grow as a culture when we choose to face our deepest challenges, and sexual harassment is a major cultural challenge.
Our "Post Traumatic Spiritual Disorder" will not go away until we unite, and stand for the common good as members of a culture who want a healthy nation that respects one another.
MVP Seminars is an industry leader in sexual harassment training. Please contact MVP Seminars for topic specific information. The words "Post Traumatic Spiritual Disorder" were borrowed from another writer.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.
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