Thursday, May 17, 2012

Divine Adequacy

God said to Moses, "I Am who I Am - This is what you are to say to the Israelites:  'I Am has sent you.'"  Exodus 3:14

In Exodus chapter three the call narrative of Moses is recorded. The chapter opens with the famous encounter of Moses with the phenomenon of the burning thorn bush that was not consumed by the flames.  It is further stated that upon this occasion from out of the midst of the burning bush the angel of the Lord appeared.

This was certainly a novel manner to attract someone's attention and it did catch the attention of Moses - now an 80 year old shepherd.  Moses walked over to investigate the burning thorn bush that would not burn up, and his life changed.

Moses walked over to the burning bush to find out why the chemical action of fire did not destroy it and God called to him from within the bush, "Moses!  Moses!"

God initiated Moses' interaction with himself and Moses replies to him with the stereotypical responses of the call narratives'.  "Here I am."

From the midst of the burning bush God educates Moses about the terrible treatment his people have suffered and he tells Moses that he is going to send him to bring his people out of bondage.

Moses tells God that he is completely inadequate for such an enormous undertaking.  Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go?..."

God spoke to Moses out from the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire a feat of power and adequacy seemingly lost on Moses when he speaks to God out from the midst of his self-consuming inadequacy.

He is God's perfect choice.  Therefore God gives Moses access to himself by revealing to him his supportive name.  God's name to Moses is divine revelation for a specific purpose.  First, God delivers Moses from himself and then Moses will go forth as God's chosen leader for his people.

The name 'I Am that I Am; by which God revealed himself to Moses is an idiom in which something is defined in terms of itself.  It is used when the speaker cannot be more explicit.  Another way of stating these words are as follows:
"I Am He who is really and truly present for you - ready to help and to act."

Moses said, "I am not!"  And God replied, "I Am."

Are you being held back by feelings of inadequacy?  Do you make excuses for remaining in a stupor of self-limiting doubt?  You need to lay hold of God's promise of support by faith.  Faith is laying hold of who God is.  Faith sees the opportunities while unbelief sees the obstacles.

God is waiting to provide  his own adequacy for your situation.  Let Him help you today.

For more information about Dr. Rich's ministry, please visit his website.

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