Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Meditation on Love Part IV

"Keeps no accounts of evil."  I Cor. 13:5

Perhaps at this point you are questioning where the writer came up with this little gem.  And you may even think that these words are too much and he is going too far and he is being unrealistic.

Is he some kind of radical mystic or hermit who is determined to impose upon others his fanatic musings?  I am tempted to agree - up to a point.  However, upon closer inspection of his words I find that my resistance to his words are just that - he has stepped into the forbidden territory of my defenses, he has come too close and I do not like it.

My awkward mimicry of the aloof and untouchable crustacean who cannot be touched has been vaporized before his disarming words and he has done so without apology.  It is intrinsic to our natures to "keep accounts of evil."  It makes me unique and marked off from others and I can insist that my story bears hearing.

"Keeps no accounts of evil" means that I must bear injustices without arrogant self-mockery as a subjective mechanism of bearing my soul.  "Keep no account of evil" means that I have not enrolled in the college of victimism, and therefore ensnared my soul.  In other words, I have not become a master of self-injury.

"Keeps no accounts of evil" also means that I have surrendered combativeness and bitterness because of what was done to me for the extraordinary gift of freedom because I have no culpable guilt for my response to repugnant behavior directed toward me.

If I meet repugnance with repugnance I indisputably become repugnant.  We are not to be overcome by evil, but overcome (super supplant) evil with that which is qualitatively good.

Alas, the power to become an individual who does not keep account of evil has nothing to do with an innate ability on my part.  It has everything to do with the incomparable Iesous who is constantly teaching me through his spirit-life within me why I must not constantly "keep accounts of evil" because he forgave me when I was his active enemy.  He knows everything that I have done and he has given me the Grace-humility to confess it - without excuses.

If you have invested your life in keeping accounts of evils done to you you are not living.  You need the Iesous to give you release from this self imposed dungeon.  Ask him today.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please visit his website.

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