Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Be Filled with the Knowledge of His Will, Part I

"...that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding..." Col. 1:9

Paul was fiercely loyal to members of the ekklesia - that called out group of persons who corporately are the church.  Originally the church or ekklesia did not refer to any type of building or physical structure.  It referred to persons. There is always in the Biblical documents this primacy of persons.

The called out ones in the Lycus Valley were facing the compelling presence of false teaching that proved as always to be very seductive.  It promised them a greater freedom and a way to achieve spiritual satisfaction by their own efforts.

According to Zodhiates the false teachers taught ... "one could achieve perfection by progressing through a number of initiations and levels of wisdom in spiritual mysteries."

Herein enters the profound intellectual prowess of Paul.  I've carefully noted the approach that he took in combating this formidable foe.  Paul's defense or apology for the saints at Colosse was not to engage in a comparative argument for the Faith.  Paul took them deeper ever deeper into the knowledge of the Iesou.

This is what they needed.  They needed to possess or be filled with the knowledge of the will of Iesous.  The word for knowledge is our text is deliberately used by Paul to overthrow the intrusive aberration of the false teachers. Paul knew that false teachers were always intoxicated by the elixir of their own arrogance.

The word for knowledge is epignosis.  Epignosis is a word that involves a through participation in the object of knowledge on the part of the subject. Paul didn't say "go out and show the false teachers what you know."  He said, "be filled with the knowledge of the Iesous in such a manner that they will witness who you know."

Paul's statement of faith was always the compelling reality of a life transformed by the Grace of God.  For Paul, the philosophical 'know thyself' is superseded by the greater 'knowledge of His will.'

For more information about Dr. Josiah Rich and his teaching ministry, please visit his website.

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