Saturday, September 29, 2012

Accepted in the Beloved (Iesous) for Sexual Abuse Survivors

"To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved."  Ephesians 1:6

This blog is for those who have suffered or who are suffering from childhood sexual abuse.  I want those who have suffered this type of violation to know that they are valued by God.  Perhaps, you know of someone who wrestles daily with the results of this type of trauma.  Let me remind you that the word "trauma" means wound, and childhood sexual abuse does wound.

God loves all of us, and those who have been abused have a difficult time believing in love, because love means to be valued, and appreciated for who one is.  The ability to feel intrinsically valued has been distorted within the heart of the abused one.  They have experienced love as a violation of self.  They know love as exploitation and humiliation.

In their experience trust has been systematically removed by the perpetrator(s), and replaced with vile secrecy and lies.  The heart of the victim believes that because of her past or present abuse that she may be "used goods," or not good enough to have real relationships.  With her oftentimes the past is the present in so many ways.

Self acceptance is a very important part of healthy growth, but, sadly many persons will never know this truth.  The users will exploit children because they can without fear of retribution.  The abusers breakdown healthy self-growth which children should expect from their primary caregivers.  Their children will be existentially robbed of appropriate self boundaries and appropriate trust of the outside world.  They will be unceremoniously baptized into the unsavory world of episodic, ritual, or prolonged tenacious sexual abuse.

The Good News is that God loves us in the midst of our brokenness.  In fact, the psalmist-poet wrote that he heals the broken-hearts and binds up their wounds.  When love has been radically unfamiliar it is wonderful to know that God is there to wonderfully give love to the wounded.  This is the essence of the death of Iesous on the Roman cross.

Childhood sexual abuse is a sin against the ontological well-being of another person.  Yes, these violations may be hidden for a time, but the Iesous assures us that what has been hidden will be shouted from the roof-tops.  There are really no secrets.  Man cannot possibly hide their deeds from God.  It is self-deception on their part that convinces them that such is the case.

Beloved, if you have a legacy of childhood sexual abuse God loves you.  He wants to give you a new life that is untainted by the past.  He wants you to free you from the past through His love.  Go before Him in prayer and ask Him to release you from the bondage of the past or the present as the case may be.  Today, accept your acceptance by God.  Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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