"But the natural (psuchikos) man receives not the things of the Spirit of Theou : for they are foolishness (moronic) unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." I Cor. 2:14-15
In these two verses Paul presents a powerful contrast for the saints at Corinth. Even though there is the reality of positional truths that are held in common among members of the community there is also another reality that is in not commonly shared. Spiritual perspicacity or insight into the deep things of God is not common among the constantly believing ones. There are degrees of spiritual perception.
Emotional words and experiences are not guarantees of spiritual insight through the Spirit of God. Paul wrote that we have received the Spirit of God that we might know the things that we have been freely given by Him. It is wonderful that we can have immediate cognition of spiritual benefits from God himself apart from any human agency.
Just think how many would be left out of this vital knowledge if mediated solely through human agency. Spiritual insight is so vial to us that God alone gives it to us through his Spirit. God wants us to know him without any obstacle.
When the Iesous died on the cross the Graphe (Scriptures) record that the veil of the temple rent in two. We all have access to God through the person of the Iesous, and with this access comes divine knowledge.
The source of this knowledge is God. It is not knowledge that can be derived from human libraries in which much of the 'knowledge ' is outmoded or outdated by the time that books were printed. This knowledge is present tense and is filled with living spiritual insight.
We are breath and this knowledge builds up our spirits. It draws us closer to God because it enlightens our hearts about the love of God. It teaches us that we are valued by God. This knowledge is super-cultural and it is trans-cultural. It is for all of God's saints regardless of social standing or dermal hue.
Note that through growing in spiritual awareness we can increase both our natural and spiritual IQs.
However, the merely psychological person or the person who is governed solely by the animal appetites cannot or more accurately does not have spiritual insight because it is moronic to him. He is able to spin fallacious arguments to defend his viewpoint without the realization of the circular nature of his enterprise. It is his determined volitional effort to stand against the reality of spiritual truth. His world of mere sensory experience is enough for him. He has deliberately cut himself off from the spiritual world and its magnificent vistas.
He constantly surrenders to the self-victimization of another 'reasonable' or 'plausible' explanation of the meaning of life. He is intoxicated by the numbing beverage of the merely human. God is not in all of his thoughts. The spiritual perception that Paul speaks of is the heritage of all of those who trust in God. Choose God's gift of spiritual perception today and step into the awesome realm of the One who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please visit his website.
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