Wednesday, January 23, 2013

An Act of Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."  Hebrews 11:1

An insightful individual once wrote: 
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't you're right."  

I am very fond of those words because they embrace a pivotal truth.  Last night as I sat at a birthday party with my wife I was introduced to a young person who became a point of inspiration. Her recent personal history involved a disarming and unbelievable challenge.

Through a fortuitous accident she had an injury to one of her legs that introduced a flesh-eating pathogen into her body.  Her leg was saved, but she was told that she would 'never' be able to do certain activities because of the injury.  This unique individual thought otherwise, and the event that threatened to curtail her life became a doorway into a new awareness.

"I can" was the self-truth that dominated her thinking.  There was no other alternative.

This amazing individual reminded me of the compelling power of faith.  Faith's primary definition is non-empirical.  That is, faith is not circumscribed by that which is seen by the eyes or 'figured out' in the mind.  Faith looks not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen. That which is seen can be manipulated, and therefore undermine faith.  Here was an individual that had heard the results of clinical wisdom and appreciated its insight and took it to a higher level.

Clinical wisdom had accomplished much for her and her physical recovery, but now she had to take that wisdom and her own beliefs about herself and merge them into a higher platform of reality.

"I can" is a prescriptive formula that overthrows the "I can't" lie.

Faith is a deep mystery, and we need more exposure to its working. She may not have seen her astonishing recovery as an act of faith.  In this case, however, her recovery is powerfully symbolic of the mystery of faith.

This person is very active.  She is an avid athelete in many areas.  She has an engaging spirit. Moreover, I had the chance to speak with a few of the persons in her family that make up her support system.  Through speaking with them I could see why she is who she is.  She is loved.  By the way, this powerful example of faith is found in a young girl that is thirteen years old.

I believe that you too can do great things through the power of the Iesous.  If you have faith the size of a very tiny mustard seed you can do unbelievable things.  Believe God for something great today.

Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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