Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Necessity of Spiritual Clemency

"Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: as Christ forgave you, so also do you."  Col. 3:13

These words are prescriptive and vital.  They are given as appropriate spiritual care for those of us who are carrying around the pain that has been caused by others.  The deepest pain most of us carry has been inflicted by family members or others close to us.  In some manner they violated our personal space or boundaries.  They really did hurt us, and we were deeply offended.

We did not outwardly express our rage and anger, rather, we buried it.  Though we buried it, alas we did not.  Pain is not buried dead it is buried alive.  It will therefore make its presence know in our lives in our attitude and /or behavior.  We cannot escape ourselves.  We may delude ourselves, but we may never escape ourselves.

First of all, let me say that the wounds we carry in the soul are manifested in the body.  The body suffers from the wounds of the soul.  The body is the compelling witness of the state of my soul.  "Hostility is often the term we us to embody several damaging emotions. Technically, hostility is defined as a feeling of enmity,  ill will, unfriendliness, etc.; antagonism.  It is an abiding, long-term state-something of a perpetual worldview."

When Paul tells us that we must be forbearing he is speaking into the depths of our lives.  We may believe that reactionary hostility is an appropriate response to a hurt, but it is the contrary, it pulls us down deeper into a milieu of hostility.  Ingrained hostility is an emotional and spiritual death sentence.  Therefore we must give spiritual clemency to the one who has offended us.  If we do not there is a price to pay, and the one that must give this clemency is the one that pays the price.

I have the power to stop my own spiritual suffering by showing mercy to an enemy or one who has offended me.  I can walk in newness of life if I release my emotional claim against the offender.

If you find that you want to be free, but you do not have the power to do it on your own God will give you the power to show clemency to your offender(s).

There are incredible disease consequences for those of us who have resolved to never let go of the offender. We chose to imprison ourselves within the walls of hostility and anger to our hurt and those who love us and need us.

Please do not forget that unchecked hostility cuts off fellowship with God and with others.  We are the temple of the living God and we owe it to the one who has given us eternal life to be clean temples.

Start right now, go before the Iesous and confess your enslavement to pent up rage, aggression, or hostility, and ask for divine power to overcome all of the consequences of spiritual negativism.  You may today have God's own peace that passes understanding if you confess your need to Him.

Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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