"The plowers plowed on my back; they made their furrows long." Psalm 129:3
This is the common testimony of the suffering ones. No matter the nature of their experiences, or the extent or magnitude of their pain all sufferings one may identify with these words. These words are the testimony of deliberate and malevolent abuse. The plow is an ancient farm tool used to gouge trenches into the land in order to plant seeds. The ancient one who wrote these words used the word picture of this vital farming tool to illustrate what the experience of abusive suffering had gouged into his soul.
"The plowers plowed upon his back." Notice the plural noun used by the suffering one. He does not say the plower plowed upon his back. He speaks of "plowers." It is a frightening picture of common abusive action heaped upon a helpless one. It is good that these words appear in the Scriptures. They may be ancient but they contain a timeless and poignant observation.
The evidence of abuse was etched upon his back. Upon his back was written by his own poignant narrative. Upon his back were wounds that told his story. Cut into his back was the story of his own suffering that resonates into our own time. How many today bear upon their backs stories of suffering hidden by the colorful cloth shirts, dresses, or coats?
The plowers plow deep into the soul and attempt to erase one's unique identity. The poet knew this to be true. He further states: "...they made their furrows long." The poet relates an insidious detail for us. He takes us on an imaginary journey wherein we are enjoined to step out of mere observational objectivity.
He wants the reader of his testimony to enter into the matrix of suffering that had been his lot. He does not want to overthrow the reader's sense of personal safety nor threaten the reader's psychological boundaries, and he does not want a clinical or theological explanation of his ordeal. He wants something more and enduring. He wants a compelling witness who is not afraid to look upon the attempt to ruin his life.
The poet-sufferer records what was done to him by inventive treachery. He has not kept silent about what was done to him. He has conquered the attempts to steal as it were his very life. He relates that many times he had been afflicted from his youth. However, his abusers were not aware of his secret life with the Iesous. The spiritual life of the poet kept him sober under the chronic lash of his abusers.
Mindfulness is an ancient spiritual practice. The poet sufferer's world made sense because of his rich inner life. In the midst of his darkness he could rely on the presence of God. The presence of God within turned the collective intent of the plowers into a testimony of deliverance. His rich spiritual life interpreted his experience of suffering, therefore he would not be neither betrayed nor overwhelmed by immoral evil.
The presence of God made all the difference. I say again, the presence of God made all the difference in his life. This is reality outside the psychoanalytic veil of projection. God is real, and the poet knew Him. The power of God is not limited by the claims of men who whither and die. The power of God resides within the hearts of those who diligently seek Him out.
Beloved take you experience of the plowers to God and let Him administer the Balm of Healing to your trauma (wounds).
Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Healing Tongue of the Wise
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Pro. 12:18
We have inherited a cosmology of words. Words are metaphors of reality. Words can be written or spoken. Words carry incredible power. The biblical Genesis document opens with the powerful Elohim speaking the creative Word. The powerful Elohim said: "Light Be, and Light happened." Gen. 1:3
In this ancient Near Eastern document there is the inherent unity of thought/action, and not thought and action. The creative Word of Elohim compelled by fiat the existence of mass/energy. The militant Genesis document also records that the Elohim's creative power brought forth the original Man, or the Adam.
Adam was not a proper noun, but a name of unique classification. He was different from the plants and animals but he shared with them some common characteristics. The Man was created in the Shadow of Elohim. He was made in the likeness of Elohim, and one of the greatest gifts that the powerful Elohim gave to the Adam was metaphoric language. Man could fashion or shape reality by the awesome ability of the Word.
The great ability to transform one's environment by metaphoric language constructs became a perverse power after the rebellion in the Gan-Eden. Man could not use words to constrict his own self-understanding and others. He could lie with dire consequences. Lying was his new power obtained at a great cost. He now possessed the ability to to use the metaphoric word in a reckless manner. His own DNA changed at that point. He found darkness within his soul.
Reckless words are a vehicle of destruction. However, the one who uses reckless words does not realize the reciprocal nature of destructive speaking. Yes, one may speak in a destructive manner but he will reap the consequences of his speech action.
Distortions of language are a bitter medicine and it not only poisons the speaker it also poisons the soul of its victim. Reckless words seek to curse the intended victim. The soul of the one who is not built up in the the Truth will succumb to the caustic vitriol of the word-lie. If you have been the victim of this type of abuse God will cleanse you with the truth of His Word.
Reckless words pierce down into the soul or personality of the individual. One's sense of self is compromised by the deliberate use of words that vilify and supplant personal identity. This breaks the continuity of self-consciousness and destroys self-efficacy.
The sword of destructive words with their bitter poison are callously thrust into the unsuspecting soul sometimes in a stabbing manner, and at other times with artful adroitness that seeks to psychologically flay the intended victim. This is the essence of bullying.
Recovery for those who have been victimized by reckless words is found in the healing tongue of the wise. The wise are those who are skilled in listening to the narratives of the broken ones. The wise are those who are not pulled into the abyss secondary trauma by hearing the narratives of scorching torture by reckless words. The wise have garrisoned their souls with compassion and love, but who know the traps that seek to bind them in unspoken but real despair. The tongue of the wise is filled with the Word of God.
Beloved do you need to be set free from the bondage of twisted and destructive words? Does your soul grieve and weep for relief from dark sayings and the wasteland of reckless words? Come to the Iesous. Confess your need of him. Ask him to show the way of deliverance from the prison of word-lies and give you life.
Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
We have inherited a cosmology of words. Words are metaphors of reality. Words can be written or spoken. Words carry incredible power. The biblical Genesis document opens with the powerful Elohim speaking the creative Word. The powerful Elohim said: "Light Be, and Light happened." Gen. 1:3
In this ancient Near Eastern document there is the inherent unity of thought/action, and not thought and action. The creative Word of Elohim compelled by fiat the existence of mass/energy. The militant Genesis document also records that the Elohim's creative power brought forth the original Man, or the Adam.
Adam was not a proper noun, but a name of unique classification. He was different from the plants and animals but he shared with them some common characteristics. The Man was created in the Shadow of Elohim. He was made in the likeness of Elohim, and one of the greatest gifts that the powerful Elohim gave to the Adam was metaphoric language. Man could fashion or shape reality by the awesome ability of the Word.
The great ability to transform one's environment by metaphoric language constructs became a perverse power after the rebellion in the Gan-Eden. Man could not use words to constrict his own self-understanding and others. He could lie with dire consequences. Lying was his new power obtained at a great cost. He now possessed the ability to to use the metaphoric word in a reckless manner. His own DNA changed at that point. He found darkness within his soul.
Reckless words are a vehicle of destruction. However, the one who uses reckless words does not realize the reciprocal nature of destructive speaking. Yes, one may speak in a destructive manner but he will reap the consequences of his speech action.
Distortions of language are a bitter medicine and it not only poisons the speaker it also poisons the soul of its victim. Reckless words seek to curse the intended victim. The soul of the one who is not built up in the the Truth will succumb to the caustic vitriol of the word-lie. If you have been the victim of this type of abuse God will cleanse you with the truth of His Word.
Reckless words pierce down into the soul or personality of the individual. One's sense of self is compromised by the deliberate use of words that vilify and supplant personal identity. This breaks the continuity of self-consciousness and destroys self-efficacy.
The sword of destructive words with their bitter poison are callously thrust into the unsuspecting soul sometimes in a stabbing manner, and at other times with artful adroitness that seeks to psychologically flay the intended victim. This is the essence of bullying.
Recovery for those who have been victimized by reckless words is found in the healing tongue of the wise. The wise are those who are skilled in listening to the narratives of the broken ones. The wise are those who are not pulled into the abyss secondary trauma by hearing the narratives of scorching torture by reckless words. The wise have garrisoned their souls with compassion and love, but who know the traps that seek to bind them in unspoken but real despair. The tongue of the wise is filled with the Word of God.
Beloved do you need to be set free from the bondage of twisted and destructive words? Does your soul grieve and weep for relief from dark sayings and the wasteland of reckless words? Come to the Iesous. Confess your need of him. Ask him to show the way of deliverance from the prison of word-lies and give you life.
Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
Friday, April 19, 2013
God and The Wellness of Salvation
"...that the Theos (God) light is, and the consequences of darkness in him are not..." I John 1:5
A few weeks ago I was the featured speaker at a forum on Wellness. It was an amazing experience because I met persons who had a common interest. We focused upon a chronic and intrinsic problem within a specific community. During my speech I gave some of the history of this particular group and why their common experiences may be a major factor in their reluctance to seek appropriate help for mental wellness.
The problems of living are common to all of us, but there are those who need help negotiating problems that have produced a multitude of difficulties in their lives. Life is tough. Persons may need serious help from the community or from social services embedded within the community. However, there are times when the crises that are encountered in life require the extraordinary help found only in Theos (God). It is good to know that the Theos as revealed within the pages of the Scriptures are irreproachably reliable and unquestionable trustworthy.
God is light. These words are a theological treasure chest. They have an implicit certainty. They reveal the essence of the Theos. For us, these words encapsulate an essential message. We share an understanding of darkness and its power to twist and contort the life of an individual. We are also aware that darkness can compellingly appear as light in order to gain our trust, and then abandon us to dire disease and distress.
However, Theos is light untainted by evil. Now I've done it, I've used the e-word. We must be brave at this point because people today seem not to recognize the manipulative power of evil. To know that Theos is light frees me of suspicion of Him. I do not have to wonder about a secret motive on his part, or if he will be a party to my undoing.
The world today it seems is bent upon tossing individuals into experiences that steal the light of hope and meaning. Today the eyes of many do not bear the light of hope. 'Theos is light' is a powerful summons issued to the poor in spirit.
To be poor in spirit is to know that something is amiss within the heart. It is to realize that though one may have drank deep of the experiences of this life that did not satisfy, but left one confused and pierced with unexpected doubt. The individual has come to realize that without an experience of the Divine this life is shallow and metallic. The propaganda of hedonistic pleasure endlessly seduces, but little satisfies the soul.
God is light. The light of the Word of God heals the weary soul. The Presence of God upon the heart is the ultimate energy medicine. Abiding in God's light produces wellness. God's light illumines the heart, and makes the face to shine. The Scriptures teach Mindfulness as a practical product of knowing God. Just as our bodies need the light of the sun to make vitamin D, we need the presence of God in our lives to produce the light of life.
Beloved, God is rich in mercy and he desires to show his love to you. He has come to rescue those who have sat in the shadow of death through the Iesous. The Iesous is the light of God. During his passion and crucifixion the powers of darkness thought that they had secured the ruin of the Iesous, but alas they were wrong because after a three day hiatus he returned out from the power of Thanatos (death), and secured salvation for us. Those who come to the light of the Cross and confess their need of the Savior Iesous will be saved from this present evil age. Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
A few weeks ago I was the featured speaker at a forum on Wellness. It was an amazing experience because I met persons who had a common interest. We focused upon a chronic and intrinsic problem within a specific community. During my speech I gave some of the history of this particular group and why their common experiences may be a major factor in their reluctance to seek appropriate help for mental wellness.
The problems of living are common to all of us, but there are those who need help negotiating problems that have produced a multitude of difficulties in their lives. Life is tough. Persons may need serious help from the community or from social services embedded within the community. However, there are times when the crises that are encountered in life require the extraordinary help found only in Theos (God). It is good to know that the Theos as revealed within the pages of the Scriptures are irreproachably reliable and unquestionable trustworthy.
God is light. These words are a theological treasure chest. They have an implicit certainty. They reveal the essence of the Theos. For us, these words encapsulate an essential message. We share an understanding of darkness and its power to twist and contort the life of an individual. We are also aware that darkness can compellingly appear as light in order to gain our trust, and then abandon us to dire disease and distress.
However, Theos is light untainted by evil. Now I've done it, I've used the e-word. We must be brave at this point because people today seem not to recognize the manipulative power of evil. To know that Theos is light frees me of suspicion of Him. I do not have to wonder about a secret motive on his part, or if he will be a party to my undoing.
The world today it seems is bent upon tossing individuals into experiences that steal the light of hope and meaning. Today the eyes of many do not bear the light of hope. 'Theos is light' is a powerful summons issued to the poor in spirit.
To be poor in spirit is to know that something is amiss within the heart. It is to realize that though one may have drank deep of the experiences of this life that did not satisfy, but left one confused and pierced with unexpected doubt. The individual has come to realize that without an experience of the Divine this life is shallow and metallic. The propaganda of hedonistic pleasure endlessly seduces, but little satisfies the soul.
God is light. The light of the Word of God heals the weary soul. The Presence of God upon the heart is the ultimate energy medicine. Abiding in God's light produces wellness. God's light illumines the heart, and makes the face to shine. The Scriptures teach Mindfulness as a practical product of knowing God. Just as our bodies need the light of the sun to make vitamin D, we need the presence of God in our lives to produce the light of life.
Beloved, God is rich in mercy and he desires to show his love to you. He has come to rescue those who have sat in the shadow of death through the Iesous. The Iesous is the light of God. During his passion and crucifixion the powers of darkness thought that they had secured the ruin of the Iesous, but alas they were wrong because after a three day hiatus he returned out from the power of Thanatos (death), and secured salvation for us. Those who come to the light of the Cross and confess their need of the Savior Iesous will be saved from this present evil age. Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Living as A New Creation
"Wherefore henceforth know we no man according to the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Cor. 5:16-17
The apostle's word communicated a decisive and radical message. The passage of time has not dulled their importance nor rendered them barren. In fact, time has sharpened their dynamic power, and served to challenge the believing one to recognize once and for all that the life of faith with the Iesous has placed them far away from the social orders fabricated by men.
Indeed, social conditioning from womb to tomb has convinced people of the necessity and divine right to their native social order. Yes, we are enjoined by the Word of God to be persons of peace and those who obey the powers that be because God has given them the right to execute social justice. Yes, men do so imperfectly, and that is why we must pray for our leaders.
We are members of two social orders. One is temporal and the other is eternal. It may be difficult to be consciously aware of our dual citizenship at time, but that does not negate the reality of who and what we are. I may confess that I belong to the society of Iesous, but my actions betray an allegiance to the temporal order, and my actions may be bold and vocal or ever so subtle. Nevertheless the temporal order is one's chosen way to 'live.'
Persons who chose to live this way cannot find fulfilment in life because they walk beside themselves. They are called in the Greek New Testament di-psuchos or double soled ones. They have divided loyalties. They have forgotten that no one can serve two masters. There is only one single loyalty of lasting merit and that is to Iesous.
'Henceforth know we know man according to the flesh.' The new life that the Iesous gives is not derived from nor is it in any way united to the existing social orders. The new life in Iesous transcends human viewpoint and thinking. It is a radically new life that has a radically new attitude.
In a very practical manner I think of persons who I have counselled over the years and their controlling narratives. I have heard stories of abuse and horrible 'Soul Murder' from many, many persons. They have told me that their abuse narrative have come mainly from loved ones. Here is the element of madness that tosses persons into the abyss of hurt and anger that can hurt for a lifetime. The Iesous gives new life to the wounded ones. God can release the wounded ones through teaching them the power of forgiveness.
God makes the hurt one new in Iesous. This does not mean that the hurt in one's life that results in the symptomatic behavior of a controlling narrative will disappear over night. It does mean that the new life is powerful through the Iesous, and that God's resurrection power can give one the courage to move out into a new direction in life. Paul writes that in Iesous the "old things" or the ancient things are passed away. Can you see why the slaves of pre- and post colonial America held on to the Bible. In spite of their temporal condition as being relieved or legally separated from their humanity they knew that they were valued persons in the sight of God.
Their temporal estate negated them completely as persons. Radical hurt can result in radical self-estrangement but the Word of God offers hope to those so afflicted. God's Words are good news to the wounded. One does not have to change one's physical geographic location on the surface of the earth to have a new life. God does not need a compass to locate me, and neither does he need GPS. God is all knowing. He knows where I am. The Iesous said to certain people during his public ministry, "Your faith has saved you."
God makes all things new. If you are experiencing negative thought patterns in your life think about what God has done for you. I mean really think about the work of God in your life. This exercise of thinking and visualization can release you from the load that you are carrying in your life. While you think about your blessings pray without ceasing. This will change your viewpoint and the stress load in your life. Don't do this exercise one time let it become a new habit. Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.
The apostle's word communicated a decisive and radical message. The passage of time has not dulled their importance nor rendered them barren. In fact, time has sharpened their dynamic power, and served to challenge the believing one to recognize once and for all that the life of faith with the Iesous has placed them far away from the social orders fabricated by men.
Indeed, social conditioning from womb to tomb has convinced people of the necessity and divine right to their native social order. Yes, we are enjoined by the Word of God to be persons of peace and those who obey the powers that be because God has given them the right to execute social justice. Yes, men do so imperfectly, and that is why we must pray for our leaders.
We are members of two social orders. One is temporal and the other is eternal. It may be difficult to be consciously aware of our dual citizenship at time, but that does not negate the reality of who and what we are. I may confess that I belong to the society of Iesous, but my actions betray an allegiance to the temporal order, and my actions may be bold and vocal or ever so subtle. Nevertheless the temporal order is one's chosen way to 'live.'
Persons who chose to live this way cannot find fulfilment in life because they walk beside themselves. They are called in the Greek New Testament di-psuchos or double soled ones. They have divided loyalties. They have forgotten that no one can serve two masters. There is only one single loyalty of lasting merit and that is to Iesous.
'Henceforth know we know man according to the flesh.' The new life that the Iesous gives is not derived from nor is it in any way united to the existing social orders. The new life in Iesous transcends human viewpoint and thinking. It is a radically new life that has a radically new attitude.
In a very practical manner I think of persons who I have counselled over the years and their controlling narratives. I have heard stories of abuse and horrible 'Soul Murder' from many, many persons. They have told me that their abuse narrative have come mainly from loved ones. Here is the element of madness that tosses persons into the abyss of hurt and anger that can hurt for a lifetime. The Iesous gives new life to the wounded ones. God can release the wounded ones through teaching them the power of forgiveness.
God makes the hurt one new in Iesous. This does not mean that the hurt in one's life that results in the symptomatic behavior of a controlling narrative will disappear over night. It does mean that the new life is powerful through the Iesous, and that God's resurrection power can give one the courage to move out into a new direction in life. Paul writes that in Iesous the "old things" or the ancient things are passed away. Can you see why the slaves of pre- and post colonial America held on to the Bible. In spite of their temporal condition as being relieved or legally separated from their humanity they knew that they were valued persons in the sight of God.
Their temporal estate negated them completely as persons. Radical hurt can result in radical self-estrangement but the Word of God offers hope to those so afflicted. God's Words are good news to the wounded. One does not have to change one's physical geographic location on the surface of the earth to have a new life. God does not need a compass to locate me, and neither does he need GPS. God is all knowing. He knows where I am. The Iesous said to certain people during his public ministry, "Your faith has saved you."
God makes all things new. If you are experiencing negative thought patterns in your life think about what God has done for you. I mean really think about the work of God in your life. This exercise of thinking and visualization can release you from the load that you are carrying in your life. While you think about your blessings pray without ceasing. This will change your viewpoint and the stress load in your life. Don't do this exercise one time let it become a new habit. Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.
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