"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Pro. 12:18
We have inherited a cosmology of words. Words are metaphors of reality. Words can be written or spoken. Words carry incredible power. The biblical Genesis document opens with the powerful Elohim speaking the creative Word. The powerful Elohim said: "Light Be, and Light happened." Gen. 1:3
In this ancient Near Eastern document there is the inherent unity of thought/action, and not thought and action. The creative Word of Elohim compelled by fiat the existence of mass/energy. The militant Genesis document also records that the Elohim's creative power brought forth the original Man, or the Adam.
Adam was not a proper noun, but a name of unique classification. He was different from the plants and animals but he shared with them some common characteristics. The Man was created in the Shadow of Elohim. He was made in the likeness of Elohim, and one of the greatest gifts that the powerful Elohim gave to the Adam was metaphoric language. Man could fashion or shape reality by the awesome ability of the Word.
The great ability to transform one's environment by metaphoric language constructs became a perverse power after the rebellion in the Gan-Eden. Man could not use words to constrict his own self-understanding and others. He could lie with dire consequences. Lying was his new power obtained at a great cost. He now possessed the ability to to use the metaphoric word in a reckless manner. His own DNA changed at that point. He found darkness within his soul.
Reckless words are a vehicle of destruction. However, the one who uses reckless words does not realize the reciprocal nature of destructive speaking. Yes, one may speak in a destructive manner but he will reap the consequences of his speech action.
Distortions of language are a bitter medicine and it not only poisons the speaker it also poisons the soul of its victim. Reckless words seek to curse the intended victim. The soul of the one who is not built up in the the Truth will succumb to the caustic vitriol of the word-lie. If you have been the victim of this type of abuse God will cleanse you with the truth of His Word.
Reckless words pierce down into the soul or personality of the individual. One's sense of self is compromised by the deliberate use of words that vilify and supplant personal identity. This breaks the continuity of self-consciousness and destroys self-efficacy.
The sword of destructive words with their bitter poison are callously thrust into the unsuspecting soul sometimes in a stabbing manner, and at other times with artful adroitness that seeks to psychologically flay the intended victim. This is the essence of bullying.
Recovery for those who have been victimized by reckless words is found in the healing tongue of the wise. The wise are those who are skilled in listening to the narratives of the broken ones. The wise are those who are not pulled into the abyss secondary trauma by hearing the narratives of scorching torture by reckless words. The wise have garrisoned their souls with compassion and love, but who know the traps that seek to bind them in unspoken but real despair. The tongue of the wise is filled with the Word of God.
Beloved do you need to be set free from the bondage of twisted and destructive words? Does your soul grieve and weep for relief from dark sayings and the wasteland of reckless words? Come to the Iesous. Confess your need of him. Ask him to show the way of deliverance from the prison of word-lies and give you life.
Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
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