"...that the Theos (God) light is, and the consequences of darkness in him are not..." I John 1:5
A few weeks ago I was the featured speaker at a forum on Wellness. It was an amazing experience because I met persons who had a common interest. We focused upon a chronic and intrinsic problem within a specific community. During my speech I gave some of the history of this particular group and why their common experiences may be a major factor in their reluctance to seek appropriate help for mental wellness.
The problems of living are common to all of us, but there are those who need help negotiating problems that have produced a multitude of difficulties in their lives. Life is tough. Persons may need serious help from the community or from social services embedded within the community. However, there are times when the crises that are encountered in life require the extraordinary help found only in Theos (God). It is good to know that the Theos as revealed within the pages of the Scriptures are irreproachably reliable and unquestionable trustworthy.
God is light. These words are a theological treasure chest. They have an implicit certainty. They reveal the essence of the Theos. For us, these words encapsulate an essential message. We share an understanding of darkness and its power to twist and contort the life of an individual. We are also aware that darkness can compellingly appear as light in order to gain our trust, and then abandon us to dire disease and distress.
However, Theos is light untainted by evil. Now I've done it, I've used the e-word. We must be brave at this point because people today seem not to recognize the manipulative power of evil. To know that Theos is light frees me of suspicion of Him. I do not have to wonder about a secret motive on his part, or if he will be a party to my undoing.
The world today it seems is bent upon tossing individuals into experiences that steal the light of hope and meaning. Today the eyes of many do not bear the light of hope. 'Theos is light' is a powerful summons issued to the poor in spirit.
To be poor in spirit is to know that something is amiss within the heart. It is to realize that though one may have drank deep of the experiences of this life that did not satisfy, but left one confused and pierced with unexpected doubt. The individual has come to realize that without an experience of the Divine this life is shallow and metallic. The propaganda of hedonistic pleasure endlessly seduces, but little satisfies the soul.
God is light. The light of the Word of God heals the weary soul. The Presence of God upon the heart is the ultimate energy medicine. Abiding in God's light produces wellness. God's light illumines the heart, and makes the face to shine. The Scriptures teach Mindfulness as a practical product of knowing God. Just as our bodies need the light of the sun to make vitamin D, we need the presence of God in our lives to produce the light of life.
Beloved, God is rich in mercy and he desires to show his love to you. He has come to rescue those who have sat in the shadow of death through the Iesous. The Iesous is the light of God. During his passion and crucifixion the powers of darkness thought that they had secured the ruin of the Iesous, but alas they were wrong because after a three day hiatus he returned out from the power of Thanatos (death), and secured salvation for us. Those who come to the light of the Cross and confess their need of the Savior Iesous will be saved from this present evil age. Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
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