Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Release From A Spirit Of Infirmity

"And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when the Iesous saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity."  Luke 13:11-17

This powerful narrative within the Gospel document called Luke reveals a meta-medical condition in the life of an individual.  I call the condition of this person meta-medical because it would be considered outside of the worldview of post-modern medical science.

The "spirit of infirmity" created a condition of weakness within the individual that manifested itself in physical distortion.  The afflicted person suffered from acute and morbid curvature of the spine. She found herself unable to lift up, and stand erect.

The weakness in her life resulting from the "spirit of infirmity" was comprehensive in nature.  That is, the whole person was affected by the dis-ease.  Her condition was global and chronic.  She had been bound by this condition for eighteen years.  Her entire life, therefore, was given over to this appalling condition.

She did not possess the means nor ability to change her condition.  She suffered passively from her dis-ease.  There was no release for her,and she had come to terms with the reality of her estate. Knowing the "reality" of her estate create an attitude of acceptance.  She had accepted that this was her lot.

She built her mind around the chronic reality of her situation.  This was reinforced by her culture. She had succumbed to a negative belief narrative that controlled her thoughts.  Her thoughts controlled her reality.

Think of the multiplied millions whose lives have become bound by a spirit of infirmity through drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sex addiction, addiction to pornography, and many other types of bondage.

The intervention strategies used to "help" such persons have seen limited positive results. The universally accepted intervention strategy are powerful psychoactive pharmacological  agents that only manage symptoms.

The Word of God delivers persons from bondage.  The Word of God is the supernatural healing agent that knows exactly how to break the spirit of infirmity that condemns persons to lives of ugly and dismal servitude.  Addiction is another way to speak of enslavement and degradation.  God does not degrade and enslave.  God lifts up the head shamed by brutality.  God lifts up the head of the one who has known only horror and abuse.

There are unfortunate events and circumstance that come into our lives.  They can either control our perception of ourselves or we can control our self-perception.  This woman had lost that ability. Was she a victim?  Did she consider herself a victim?  We are not told how she felt about her situation.

She, however, is deeply bound and tragically besieged by this dis-ease.  Some would call her condition 'impossible.'  Obviously, there was no help for her.  Or so it would seem, but there was someone who observed her one sabbath day.  He carefully observed her within the religious environment and decided that he would radically intervene and speak the Word of God into her bondage.

Elohim, who spoke life into the void of Genesis chapter one would speak into the chaos, and void of the woman's condition.  Where there was no life he created life.  Where there was no release he granted release.  Elohim, broke the power that dominated and controlled her life for some eighteen years.

It is time that we got back to practicing the prayer of deliverance for those who are bound by a spirit of infirmity.  The powerful, effectual prayer of the spiritual one avails much.  It is time to jettison the cutesy nonsense of spiritual tomfoolery and get serious with God.  Countless lives are being ruined daily as we play at faith.  Let me be very clear this is no game.

The idea that "spiritual powers" can bring ruin and chaos into the lives of persons is outside of the worldview of post-modern medicine. Nevertheless, such powers are real.  They are malevolent forces that harass and havoc lives.  They constrain and constrict the lives of people.

The Iesous saw that the woman's condition was the result of a spirit of infirmity.  We don't know what a spirit of infirmity is.  We cannot give a classification and identity to it, but we do know something about it through its behavior.  The behavior of the spirit of infirmity (weakness) reveals its nature.  It seeks to overthrow an individual's life in order to control it for terrible and ghastly ends.

The behavior of an entity or being indicates character.  All behavior is the result of character whether good or bad.  The behavior of the spirit of infirmity is perverse (willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired, contrary).  It is also malignant (virulent, deadly, or incurable).

The obstinate spirit of infirmity controlled the neuro-muscular system of the woman so that she could not stand upright.  The perverse spirit perversely controlled her life.  It could not be otherwise. It never is.  Her condition of exogenous (derived from outside of the body, an external source) perverse control was irresistible.  She needed help from a source stronger than her controlling agent.  The Iesous was/is the Strong One of Authority, and the Great Physician for her spiritual- medical psycho-physical condition.

The word of the Iesous released the woman whose life had been frozen around a chronic estate. The Iesous spoke a new reality into her life.  There was no ritual or ceremony.  There was effective and complete release from the restrictive lie of her life.

In verse eighteen there are three different words used to describe the woman's spiritual harassment. There is the word "bound", "loosed", and "bond" and in the Greek text each word adds a descriptive nuance to her condition.  Collectively, the words tell the story of a morbidly oppressed and distressed  life.

The Iesous has come in order to deliver those who have been similarly wounded by life.  The Ieosus has come to lift up those who did not have the ability to lift themselves up because bound by a chronic spiritual condition.

Today, if you need release from a spirit of infirmity the Iesosu can and will deliver you too. Blessings to You.

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