Friday, October 4, 2013

Plastic Words "Don't Drink The Kool-Aid"

"And through covetousness shall they with feigned (Gk. plastois, Eng. plastic) words make merchandise (buy and sell) you:  Whose judgement now for a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."  2 Peter 2:3

The prophetic writings were given by the Spirit of God for specific times in history.We are living in the Eschaton i.e., the last days of this age (aeon) with its dangerous events.  Overhead chem-trails sew their unknown seeds.  Drones have been dispatched to law enforcement agencies in order to watch citizens, and tactical military armaments are given to the local police.

We are watched by our government.  We have supported the government with prayer mindful of the difficult decisions that must be made, and I may not understand.  We are never, however, to be simpleminded about anything.  We are to test everything according to the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit gives discernment to us that we may have deep perception about people, things, and circumstances.  Always test everything.  Always!  It seems that ancient socialist ideas are the best that our government can manage.

We have a citizenship in heaven.  This is not our home.  We are indeed sojourners in this topos (place).

I am told that nutrition has been made illegal in foods, but I can buy an abundance of sugar and salt in processed food substitutes.  I must buy "organic" products to have the semblance of health food.  I must buy free range chickens in order to enjoy a hormone free chicken meal.  The new nano-technology is found in everything from food to clothing and there are few laws that control their use or even understand it.

Did Peter see such things long ago?  Or is it merely coincidental that he could "see" our time with remarkable accuracy?  It is easy to be dismissive and doubtful, but such attitudes are not marks of intellectual depth or insight.  They merely speak of an inability to engage a subject with the necessary acumen.  Peter knew of our times because they were his times too.  Little has changed, and yet, much has changed.

The word covetousness is a frightening word.  It speaks of a raging and gnawing desire for more and more with no view of of satiety (satisfaction).  The behavior of manipulators are designed to seduce and or entice with words.  They lure victims through bait or cunning trickery into becoming partners to their own destruction.  They prey upon the artless and the simple either young or old.  Their subversive language tosses their victims into a world of fawning and flattery that cuts off critical perception.

Peter said that the manipulators would abusively extort others for the purpose of advantage over their lives. They would use and discard people for savage gain.  Human trafficking in our time is a terrible result of Peter's prophecy.  

Notice the emphasis upon the use of manipulative words by the practitioners of deception.

Life and death are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat the fruit thereof.  However, in their peculiar blindness they will not see their own end.  Their immortality is assured by a bogus but convincing self-deception.

I remember when a number of gullible Afro-Americans trusted a "religious" personage who persuaded them to leave this country and start a colony in another land.  They followed because they trusted his words and actions.  He led them to their doom.  They were murdered and executed by their leader.  He forced them to drink not hemlock, but a common household drink made from a powder and mixed with sugar.

There in the jungle a massacre of "love" took place, and the fallen were simple common people who believed a lie. Among the fallen ones was my stepfather's grandmother. Members of my family had to go to the airport and meet the airliner that carried her body among many others.  It was a grim day filled with unanswered bewilderment and frustration.  Out of this whole experience emerged a new mantra for the gullible and artless "don't drink the..." but little concern for the dark people who died there in the jungle.

"Heart of Darkness" was "acted out" there in the jungle upon those with dark genetic ink upon their skin.  Did the villains of such outrage suffer from Conduct Disorder or some other conjured malaise of the spirit? They made merchandise of those people without apology.

Peter saw this happen and wrote a warning to us that  we be not found sleeping under the veil of tentative documents purposed by men.  Blood has always been the price of freedom.  Our freedom cost God everything.  The price was blood.  The blood of his only Son.

There in the "jungle" of phony legal procedure and false witnesses who could not give credible testimonies the Son of God was sent to his death.

After three days the Son of God got up from the judgement and death.  Death could not hold him down. How can death do otherwise but bow to the authority of his Master and let him go?

Those who make merchandise of others will face the fierceness of the Wrath of Almighty God one day.  God knows all secrets, and he will one day shout all the secrets of men from the rooftops.

Paul wrote of Man's Day and the behavior thereof.  Paul wrote of the moral and spiritual contortions that would characterize the Day of Man.  The Day of Man is hubris out of control, but the Day of Iesous is coming too.  When he comes he will rule the world of men with a rod of iron according to Psalm 2, and men will still seek to overthrow his kingdom, and He i.e., God Almighty who sits in the heavens will laugh at their absurd reckonings.  Men are enjoined to kiss the Son lest he become angry.

Beloved, now is the Day of Salvation. You can know that you have eternal life if you come to the one who does not seek to enslave through plastic words, but the One who offers the gift of God- life eternal.  If you confess with your mouth the Lord Ieosus and believe that Theos raised him out from the grave you will be saved (rescued).

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.

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