Friday, February 22, 2013

God Will Judge The Secrets of Men

"For when the Gentiles (ethne), which have not the law, do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts while accusing or else excusing one another; In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Iesou Christou according to my gospel."  Romans 2:14-16

Social groups are made up of persons. The persons of a particular social group have certain mores and beliefs that provide a cohesive milieu for that group.  These beliefs and mores are often unexamined and passed on to the heirs of that social group without discursive consideration.  "It is just the way things are."

In some manner such beliefs become inherent much like genetic characteristics in DNA.  We have learned so much these days about the plasticity of the human brain and the reality that persons are really shaped by both culture and inherited genetics. Neuroplasticity seems to reflect cultural beliefs too, and to be burdened with a set of unconscious values.

This is very interesting because western religious beliefs, based, it would seem, upon the biblical writings have been conjoined with an inherent racialist philosophy.  One of the glaring weaknesses of western religious history and theology has been its radical denial of the primary ethic of love as espoused by the Iesou.

In a careful reading of the biblical writings it is obvious that God is no respecter of persons.  However, that does not mean that man will abide by the perception of God.  Many, many, persons have been slain in history in the name of God by persons who claim to know God.  The Iesous was slain by persons who claimed to know God, but their religion was part of a tacit social contract.

Power was at stake then as it is in our day. This is not about a level playing field or social advantaging.  It is about the nature of persons to confine their fellow beings to judgmental flames of woe because of unexamined beliefs.

These beliefs are based upon 19th century social and economic policies.  In America persons were reduced to chattel ownership to feed the insatiable god 'Mammon' as spoken of by the Iesous.  Admittedly, it is very difficult to jettison beliefs that are inherent and intrinsic.

The Gospel is the good news that God has done the work that men cannot do. God has addressed our radical need of rescue from real social fiction through the Iesou.  The Gospel changes our attitude about ourselves and our fellow men.  A genuine encounter with the Ieosu through the Spirit of God makes us alive to God, we are then no longer dead in trespasses and sins.

The biblical writings acknowledge that men have an internal moral compass given by the Creator.  It is the conscience that bears witness of our behavior and actions, but persons can mare the work of conscience (the witness within) by actions that destroy the conscience.  The conscience can be seared or rendered dead deliberate and intentional violation.

The biblical materials are clear that God will judge the secrets of men one day.  The word secret means those things that are concealed, private, or hidden.  It is the further teaching of the biblical materials that idolatrous beliefs of the heart manifest themselves in the lives of those so governed.

Such poisonous content cannot be hidden.  It can show upon on the face of the captive.  It takes artful self-deception to believe that one can conceal hate.  John writes that the one who hates his brother does not have eternal life abiding within his heart.

Beloved we are told that we are our from God as a source, and not out from the world and its values.  The Iesous will judge the secrets of men one day.  His summons will be irresistible and incontestable.  There will be no argument to the contrary when he holds court.

Now is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time. We must cleanse ourselves of contaminating beliefs and values.  There is much that I have had to confess to God.  Today God wants you to come before him and be released from the pressure to 'fit in' because you don't want to be left out, or seem to hold to a higher ethical mandate.

Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.

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