Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Word From The Instructed Tongue

The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary." Isa. 50:4

We live in a time of uncertainty and unrest.  We live in a time when people still test nuclear arms with the threat of unleashing the dark weapon upon an enemy.  The enemy will not passively allow itself to be trumped by a lethal aggressor, and will retaliate in kind.  And so it goes, weapons are big business, and people purchase weapons to protect their loved ones and themselves from unprovoked threats of danger.

Some people are deeply outraged today, and take out their outrage upon unsuspecting ones or those who have done no harm to others.  Those who have not harmed others become the hapless victims of orgiastic violence.  Persons trained in crisis response must somehow hold it together when they are called to help those who have immediately witnessed the unspeakable.  Sometimes the helpers suffer from secondary Post Traumatic Stress from what they have seen and heard.

Maybe you have not had first person experience with brutal violence. Maybe you have witnessed another type of violence.  Maybe you know of young persons whose lives have been diverted into the world of human trafickking.  It is a world of destructive and harrowing exploitation. Human trafickking  takes place in the most respected neighborhoods, and by the most respectable people.

Perhaps you have been shaken to learn that a child has sacrificed herself because she could no longer bear the unmerciful taunting of schoolmates.  You were shocked because such things never happen in our neighborhood.   Yes, these things may not have taken place within your milieu, but they have in mine.  A police officer once called me hiding from a closet in her home. She said that she was not going to come out. It took me one and one half hours to persuade her to come out of her closet.

The world is full of hurting people who need a word from an instructed tongue.  The tongue of the instructed one is there to provide encouragement when persons feel they are sinking beneath into the abyss of despair and chagrin.  They do not want the word of the one who asks "I want to know what you believe?"  They want a word that sustains when their own word is feeble and weak. They want the word of the one who knows a word beyond their word.

Yahweh says that the word of the instructed tongue is for the one who is exhausted by self-torture.  This is the essence of the mission of the Cure of Souls.  Those who are exhausted with suffering and self-torture are ready to hear the uplifting message of God's care.  They crave a word that is infused with hope and redemptive Grace.

I want to encourage you today to come to God and cast all of your cares upon Him, and prescriptively hear His word with a view to obeying it.

It is only as we prescriptively hear God's word that we are powerfully infused with strength.  If you are tired of being where you are in life, and you really want a new life you must hear God's word from the Iesous who truly possessed an instructed tongue for the exhausted.

The existential quest for a life with real meaning is found in the Iesous.  Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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