"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Iesou Christou cleanses us from all sin." I John 1:7
John looks at truth from the perspective of Light verses Darkness. There is no middle ground or Aristotle's Golden Mean. For the apostle John knowing is radically transformational. The evidence that one knows God is visible in one's practice.
Indeed, John's focus is distinctively ortho-praxis in one's relationship to Iesou. John walked with the Iesou, and so he knew him both in his earthly public ministry and in his resurrection life. John absorbed the character of the Iesou. Down to the very cellular level of his being and into the spiritual essence of his heart John loved the Ieosu.
Therefore, the commitment to order his behavior in the light of the presence of God was not a slavish chore but an exciting opportunity. John did not hold on to the culture of the old life while attempting to affirm religious formalism. It is all too empty and boring. John had stepped out from death into life (spiritual life). He knew the difference and he allowed himself to become completely and intrinsically involved in his new life.
It is the radical nature of the new life that both attracts and repels some persons. They may voice a desire to have a radical new life, but the insistent idolatry of the old life will only allow them to go as far as 'the middle ground.' There is no middle ground. It is merely a psychological ploy to please everyone, but alas none are pleased by being a people pleaser. People pleasers live in fear. They live in fear of rejection, and being rejected, for them is the highest sin.
The mature person knows that life is filled with choices. Choices articulate a destination. John chose to follow the person of the Iesou because he knew that his choice was for eternal life, and not for temporal satisfaction, and the approval of others. John was satisfied with the approval of God.
When we walk in the light of the presence of God our intrinsic social conditioning is transformed by the love of God. We discover that God's love is not color-coded, and neither is it mediated by social advantage. God is not in the business of reaffirming our trite demarcations. God is in the business of loving people through his Son.
I know that for some people this is too much, and plays havoc with their social conditioning. God loves them too. God does not practice exclusivity as humans do. God welcomes those who cannot welcome themselves because they do not know how to receive themselves as persons.
God has introduced many, many persons to themselves through the Iesou. God provides self healing for us. Are you in need of God's healing power today? The tattered soul that is cut off from itself through sin and self-injury is his special domain.
The good news of the Iesou is yours to own. The salvation message of release from the bondage of sin is yours to appropriate. You must ask to be healed from the controlling power of sin. God answers such prayers.
For the believer, fellowship is a transcendent experience. Its primary focus is that which is held in common with others of the same faith. No longer is there the idolatry of separation. It is the work of the Enemy to keep us divided, and therefore weak, because we cannot accept others who also hold the living reality of the Iesous in common with us.
The love of God removes separation, the tragic consequence of, our estrangement from God. God's love collapses the need to be separate from others who share our common faith. Creedal formalism and religion forces us into separation It is for power and control of our relationship with God. We are saved by Grace and not by creeds. We are saved by the blood of the risen Iesou, and not by the word of man.
Are you ready for the radical brilliance of God's light? Blessings to you.
For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.
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