Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For The Soul In Search of Rest

"Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And there was no more sea."  Rev. 21:1

The Revelation is the unveiling of things to come.  It was written during a time of severe persecution in language that would confound the uninitiated.  The Revelation was written for the community of the constantly believing ones.  (There were those who had believed and somehow fallen away from the faith, and therefore not true believers).  God had caused the old regime to pass away.

But this document was written to comfort those who had remained steadfast in the faith, and who would not abandon their first love.  The Iesous must be your first love.  We love him because he first loved us.  "You in me, and I in you" are his words.  We rest in his words only do we not?  T. S. Eliot once wrote"...so many, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many."

Listen to the words of the politicians.  Are they not of an uncertain sound?  Can one truly hang one's hopes and dreams upon their disturbing ideological gas?   Listen to the "leaders" of the world.  Are they not filled with fear and dread?  Look at the the school system.  What have we gotten for our tax currency (there are no more dollars)?

Our government prints fiat currency not money.  Real money is created by real production or making something of value.  We no longer make anything of value to share with the markets of the world.  All of that wealth was transferred to countries with reasonable tax codes long ago.  Please notice that we borrow money from countries that have producing industries!  They can afford to make loans to us with our poor credit score because we have assets.  Assets that God gave to us, but are now fast eroding due to leaders who do not understand economics, or "The Wealth of Nations."  Such leaders think that Adam Smith was a rock star.

We, therefore, are left with placing immoral value upon homes, and agricultural goods that are vital to life. Laws are created to expunge true effort and reward on bogus social projects.  The new therapy is to create dependence upon the State.  Remember President Gerald Ford's words:  "A government that gives, is a government that can also take away."

We are long pass his words.  We are in the post-modern world where the arrogant deconstruction of traditional values is being carried on before our eyes without apology.  The old moral monism is being heralded as something radical.  In some way it is.  But, it is not new.

The new/old moral monism seeks to collapse the division that God made in the beginning.  The new moral monism will deify the power of the omni-competent State, and its unaccountable abuse of power. The State is accountable only to itself.

If only I could get people to read the political milieu that starts with compassionate humanism and ends in the slaughter of the innocents.

"...and there was no more sea," said the prophet.  Please remember that in the Word of God the sea is a picture of restless humanity.  It is a picture of humanity in search of existential satisfaction without God.

Bertrand Russell's eyes could not believe in eternal life because he was outraged over the inhumanity of man. He did not want to believe that such a creature would continue ad infinitum.

In the pages of the Gospel Document the Ieosus walks upon the sea.  He is never overwhelmed by the discontent of the angry waves.  He walks upon the sea as the Lord of All creation.  He walks upon the sea as a picture of the One who knows our collective discontent.

If your soul or psyche is in need of rest come to the Iesous.  He will rest you from being tossed and driven by the sea.  He alone can speak to the angry waves and say Peace, be still!  That is, be muzzled or hush and lie prostrate as commanded.

No politician can do what He does.  If you want to be done with the old sea, and its manufactured discontent, come to Iesous.  There is much more to say. We will do so at another time.  Blessings to you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow his blog and visit his website.

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