Friday, September 27, 2013

The Idolatrous Eye

"Do you see a man wise in his own eyes?  There is more hope for a fool than for him."  Pro. 26:12

The Proverbs are practical theology.  They are designed to provide answers for everyday living.  How very unlike the post-modern age wherein image reigns over character.

Persons today are profiles to be uploaded and perused by the anonymous others, or those who are part of the ancient past.  Persons today do not have a past they have adventures on a continuum or line that goes on forever.

So they live within the "moment" that moves effortlessly into the next moment.  No one is waiting for Godot today.  Today philosophical hedonism has morphed into an arcane nihilism.  It is not so much "what is, is right" today as is moral awfulness on display.

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes?  The ancient prophet/poet mused on a topic that defines the essence of non-thinking today.  People are bewildered by the brazen ability of the political 'elite' to speak unconscionable lies with unflappable bravado.

People today are wise in their own eyes.  The idolatrous 'eye' is built on lies.  How else to explain the ever weakening public capacity for new violations.  It is all well planned. It is all designed to wear down resistance to the moral and spiritual pollution that insists on destroying collective public health.  Secret groups and unnamed researchers are paid huge sums to create fear in all of us.

The idolatrous eye insists on believing only what it sees.  There is never a critical look into its incredible presuppositions.  The idolatrous eye is its own unquestioned premise.  The idolatrous eye is god-like in its hubris.  It is grandiose.  It is intoxicated with the metaphysical necessity of its inherent necessity.  The idolatrous eye is the Overman.  Or so he thinks he is.

When the eye doctor wants to examine a patient he uses an ophthalmic-scope.  It is a very important health screening tool.  When used by the eye doctor she/he can get a great deal of information that is relevant to many medical fields such as cardiology and neurology to name a few.

The Word of Yahweh is like the ophthalmic-scope.  It reveals a great amount of information about the state of an individual's spiritual (breath) eyes.  The ophthalmic-scope of the Word of Yahweh looks deep into the spiritual eyes of individuals and reveals the state of the inner or person.  Spiritual Cardiology as revealed by the Word of Yahweh unlocks the secrets of the idolatrous eye.

Nothing is hidden from the ophthalmic-scope of the Word of Yahweh.  The Word reveals that the one who is wise in his own eyes is in need of  the eye save of the Word, but the cardiac condition of the idolatrous eye will not come to the Fountain of Life.  He will not let Yahweh wash his eyes with the Holy Spirit.

The idolatrous eye will always see men as trees walking.  People will always be indistinct and mere outlines of the real thing.  The idolatrous eye will always attempt to fill in humanity with tortured vision.  The insensitive eye can only know its inherent insensitivity.  The one who is wise in his own eyes is in desperate need of the redemptive eye-salve that only the Iesous can provide.

I once suffered from idolatrous eye disease.  The Iesous gave me new eyes. He can do the same for you.

For more information about Dr. Rich and his teaching ministry, please follow this blog and visit his website.

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