Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Super-Over Come Evil With Good"

"Behold the wicked brings forth iniquity; yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood.  He made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the pit which he made.  His trouble shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealings shall come down on his own crown (head)."  Ps. 7:14-16

There is a law given here that is intrinsic to the world that Yahweh has made.  It is the Law of Reciprocity. The Law of Reciprocity states that one reaps what S/he has sown.  Yes, one can be dismissive of this law because it is found within the pages of an ancient song book.  However, this is not merely an ancient song book, it is the breath of Yahweh inscribed for all generations.  The message is therefore timeless.

The wicked are the theme in this passage.  Notice that as a class of individuals are referred to by an adjective i.e., the wicked.  The one word descriptor is enough.  It truncates the folly of such persons. Everything about their lives bespeaks a terrible future. Their metaphysics is weighted down with the odious and putrid smell of sulfur.  The behavior is described by the birth process.  There is the conception, growth, and then the birth of evil.  Interestingly, the wicked undergo the burdensome impregnation of iniquity and then nurture it until it is ready to be born.

Then the text turns to the "pit" word picture as following upon the heels of the birth of evil.  We are given here foreboding insight into the dark schemes of evil.  Evil is born with its termination as intrinsic to its existence.  This is a stillbirth but the unwary wicked do not know it.  They can only 'see,' if you will, their frightening motives moving out to produce preconceived havoc.

The attitudinal blindness of the wicked keep them from considering the self-injured destiny they have contrived to their own undoing.

The Old Testament documents are frank in teaching the "sphere of action that creates destiny."  But this is such a trite and meaningless teaching to the heirs of nano-technology, iphones, and the muddy mazes of violent, and sexually provocative "video" games.

Our culture has come to worship the reptilian cortex!  The social hypocrisy is not amusing.  Judges no longer want to sentence 'good' citizens for sexual crimes because now a new demographic is tagged.  A new social (class) pariah is needed to cover up the crimes of the controllers.  The human-robot hybrids are probably already among us.  (Surely such evil could never be among us).  

The clever ones are protected from the consequences of their actions by those who can make problems go away.  God is not mocked by the works of men.  The proposition is still true:  "All men are mortal."  It remains true until Yahweh ends the human experiment.  There are the trans-human-ers who believe that the human experiment will end when the ultimate software is created that will allow human consciousness to be uploaded into a supercomputer and then all will be well.

Human software is created by smart humans who are not perfect.  Mathematical philosophy is only as good as those who write it or model it on computers.  We will not have a Software Utopia.  It will still have the controllers and the controlled.  It is a self-mocking equation.

Yahweh sees all that we do as humans, and how humans have tried to kick him out of his own created order. "He who conceives trouble...brings forth falsehood."  The premise is deeply flawed.  Evil cannot win because it is existentially wanting.  Evil is naked malevolence.  Evil is a hollow soliloquy spoken on behalf of bewildered self-delusion.  Evil is the philosophical waif of the "Will To Power."

The trouble that the wicked unleashes is the dagger that will also puncture his own dark heart.  I know that the language is bold, but the topic demands appropriate discussion.  I once visited a winery where boomerangs were on display.  One was small and the one that caught my eyes was very large.  So I asked the sales clerk if he knew the story of the boomerangs.  He told me that the large one was for hunting.  It was an amazing weapon to behold.

The wicked are experts is conceiving and designing boomerangs.  The wicked are hunters.  They design precision weapons engineered to destroy their own lives.  They also pre-dig the pits to which their finely-honed boomerangs end their harassing journey.

Beloved do not spend your time meditating upon the ways of the wicked.  Do not be overcome by evil, but super-overcome evil with good.  Where sin did abound Grace super-abounded.  We are super-conquerors through the Iesous who loved us and died for us.  Allow the Holy Spirit to take control of your life and give you the peace of Iesous. God can super-handle the works of the wicked. Be blessed and live as unto the Lord always. Amen.

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